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Opportunity for Joy!

Good afternoon Beloved Family! I truly pray your week is starting OK. Our family is now experiencing a new development in our lives. We have now started school from home. So, every room in our house except the toilet, bathroom and our bedroom has a desk and a kid doing school. I know there are many people adjusting to various new lifestyles and we too understand the need of God's grace and favour. It seems like this season continues to bring new challenges weekly. But last night, as I was reflecting on my day, God reminded me of James 1:2

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.

I began to ponder the concept of James 1:2, the idea of "consider it pure joy brother when you face various trials" has always been difficult to embrace. But the NLT translation of "opportunity for great joy" began to make a lot of sense to me. Yes, this is a difficult time for us all, but there are some great opportunities to see some much needed changes in how we do life. This season, with it's challenges, can be a great season of growth and have very positive outcomes. Isn't that what James conveys in the next couple of verses? (verse 3-4)

For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

This season of difficulty brings the chance for growth and growth, even though at times painful will bring us joy. What needs to develop is our endurance, our ability to just hold and and keep going.

With this in mind, I wanted to ask you a question.

What is one positive way God is working in your life through this season? Just today, God revealed one of these simple moments of joy. Yes, our kids are home trying to figure out a new way of doing school, yes it causes a bit of chaos and stress, but there is joy. I was able to come over and have lunch with the whole family today and Kye said, "This never happens, the whole family is able to eat lunch together." What joy! What a moment of God giving our family a time to draw closer to each other and build deeper relationships. Yes we are having to grow in how we do life 24 hours a day together, but there is great joy going to come from it. I hope you too can see how God is growing you toward opportunities of joy. Look forward to hearing how God is bringing you a bit of joy during this time. Growing together, Pastor Brent

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